Proyecto Jean Monnet ULE


Here you will find all digital books created with the student’s work during all academic year 14-15. All books are digital and under editorial process.

Click with the mouse on below link and you will find Student’s  Workbook digital book.

              caratula-libro                          «flash» is necesary to visualize digital books

«The European Union Policies (II) Student’s  Workbook». Edited by EUFIC Jean Monnet ULE. 2015

índice Link to digital libray page


«The European Union Policies (II) Student’s  Workbook». Edited by EUFIC Jean Monnet ULE. 2015

índice European Policies (II)


«The European Union Policies  Student’s  Workbook». Edited by EUFIC Jean Monnet ULE. 2016

Clic on picture to see the book and download



According to EU instructions, all books published as a result of student’s work content this disclamer:

«The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi-ble for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.»