- Degree in Law in the Faculty of Law of the University of León. June 1998.
- Extraordinary Prize of Degree in Law, course 1998-1999.
- Doctor (PH) in Law by the University of León since 6th July 2003.
- Research prize Grants for Young people Caja España 2000.
- First Research Prize in the 12ª Edition of the Center for Financial Studies Prize 2002.
- Research Prize Grants for Young people Caja España 2003.
- Research Prize VIII Prize Mariano Rodríguez for Young Researchers 2003/2004.
- Runner up in the 15ª Edition of the Center for Financial Studies Prize 2005.
- Runner up in the X Premio Mariano Rodríguez for Young Researchers 2005/2006.
- Runner up in the 16ª Edition of the Center for Financial Studies Prize 2006.
- First Research Prize in the 20ª Edition of the Center for Financial Studies Prize 2010.
- Secretary of the Faculty of Law of the University of León